Sunday, May 3 (3rd of May 1874)

Cosima Wagner Diaries

The children in church. I read a few pages of my Woodstock in bed, still full of admiration for it. 

R. is happy with the house and says: “If anybody had told me that I should one day possess so dear and noble a woman in these comfortable surroundings! But I could kick myself for not being 15 years younger!” We make up for Loldi’s birthday, children are invited, I play charades with them, lively scenes in the garden. 

A letter from Herr Muchanoff—who, in reply to my inquiry as to whether my friend would like me to visit her, advises me to come—upsets R. greatly, and I have to talk a long time with him in order to erase the impression. — 

In the evening read J. Caesar again, we resolve in future to read only a little at a time of these divine things, so that we can pay attention to every word.

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