Sunday, June 14 (14th of June 1874)

Cosima Wagner Diaries

Very cold weather; in the morning R. calls to me that I should put on two furs for our coffee in the summerhouse. As the children are in church, we can settle various, things (letter to the singer Scaria, also to Sascha Ritter about the conductor’s post in Hamburg). In the afternoon I had been hoping for Götterdämmerung, but it did not happen. No music in the evening, either, since the Chancellery goes with Richter to see the Coburg opera company, now playing here, in the hope of perhaps discovering someone there. R. and I walk in the garden in the evening, deeply conscious within ourselves of our love!

Late in the evening a telegram from Fritzsch in Weimar: Tristan und Isolde is arousing transports of enthusiasm there. Since he sent it off after the first act, it reminds R. of the telegram from N. Homolatsch[i], after the 1. act of Die Walküre.

[i] see 27th of June 1870

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